Everything You Need To Know About 420- The History, The Philosophy, The Tradition.

Good Morning my fellow stoner! I hope you have yet managed to recover from the massive 420 day yesterday. If not, we got you my fellow stoner let us recover by taking a bowl of that stick-icky sativa such as that stingy Green Crack or that intoxicating Durban Poison which are there just for that purpose, just to make your morning better.

Speaking of 420, have you ever wondered how this day was actually declared “Weed Day” and how more and more stoners around the world are coming down to honour this tradition?

So…. what is 420?

For those who do not know 420 is the tradition where stoners from all around the world gather around on 4/20 (20th April) at 4:20 PM in order to be able to smoke, get high and enjoy the high life together. Huge events get organized every single year in honour of this tradition. So if you ever wondered why everyone has red eyes on 4/20 this is undoubtedly the reason.

Where Did It Come From?

There have been many many theories about where 420 actually came from, however, the most credible one would date back to 1971 in Marin County, California. Five students attending Rafael School would meet every single day at 4.20 PM would meet every single day beside the statue of St.Louis The Pasteur in order to get high.

 This group — Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffrey Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich — became known as the “Waldos” because they met at a wall. They would say “420” to each other as code for marijuana. It was great, people did not know what it actually meant so they could speak about it as freely as they could by using the 420 code word. It is said that this group always challenged each other to find more interesting and fun things to do while high. They even went as far as to call their adventures ” Safaris”.

In 1990, a group of Deadheads in Oakland is said to have started distributing flyers in order for everyone to smoke at 4.20 PM one of which ended up in the hands of One ended up with Steve Bloom, a former reporter for High Times magazine, an authority on cannabis culture.

Bloom, has credited this group of people as being the culprits of why this tradition is alive up to this very day. They just wanted everybody to get high at the same time as a collective action from stoners all around the world. They have been the culprits in creating our favourite holiday, ” A Stoner Holiday”.

Durban Dew
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